privateDerive the current HDWallet instance navigating only on the index.
Ex.: m/44'/0 -> Ex.: m/44'/1 -> m/44'/2
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Index of the child HDWallet.
A new instance of HDWallet on the derived index
Derive the current HDWallet instance to the path. Learn more
The string representation of the child HDWallet. Ex.: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
A new instance of HDWallet on the derived path
Get the extendKey as defined on BIP-32 from the provided seed
enable to export public extendedKey, it not required when HDWallet didn't have the privateKey.
Inform if should use testnet or mainnet prefix, default value is true (mainnet
BIP-32 extended private key
HDWallet is a implementation of the BIP-0044 and BIP-0032, Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets