CoinTransactionRequestInput: {
    amount: BigNumberish;
    assetId: BytesLike;
    id: BytesLike;
    owner: BytesLike;
    predicate?: BytesLike;
    predicateData?: BytesLike;
    predicateGasUsed?: BigNumberish;
    txPointer: BytesLike;
    type: Coin;
    witnessIndex: number;

Type declaration

  • amount: BigNumberish

    Amount of coins

  • assetId: BytesLike

    Asset ID of the coins

  • id: BytesLike


  • owner: BytesLike

    Owning address or script hash

  • Optionalpredicate?: BytesLike

    Predicate bytecode

  • OptionalpredicateData?: BytesLike

    Predicate input data (parameters)

  • OptionalpredicateGasUsed?: BigNumberish

    Gas used by predicate

  • txPointer: BytesLike

    Points to the TX whose output is being spent. (TxPointer)

  • type: Coin
  • witnessIndex: number

    Index of witness that authorizes spending the coin